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AVAILABLE ONLY 3 DAYS: 9-10-11 December 2020
Limited Edition Exclusive Bust for collectors and painters.
This is not a toy
Height: 68mm bust
Material: high-quality grey resin.
Kit: 8 Pieces, unassembled and unpainted
All orders will be shipped in January 2021 in a unique and exclusive packaging + Certificate of Authenticity
The kit will be shipped assembled?
---> NO. This is a kit ONLY for painters and collectors, and who want to have a unique piece. Part of the fun is to assembling and painting it!
When the kit will be shipped?
---> All the order will be shipped by the end of January 2021
I can't pay this bust immediately, but I want a copy. Can I reserve one?
---> Sure. Just write to me at until the countdown ends. You can send a deposit of 25€ using this link:
"", just to reserve you one spot. Remember to write in Paypal: Complete name, Complete address, Mobile phone, and your email (if different from Paypal account).
Will this bust available after the preorder?
---> Sorry for this. NO. I produce mostly only Limited Edition. I do this to preserve the authenticity of my sculptures. Every single piece is REALLY a unique piece.
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© 2023 · Found Miniatures di A.S. P.IVA 05824280878